Today is the most anxious day which I had pray so much before this that I would just be invisible or just disappeared without having to do the submission in the CFS Moot Court.
I am so nervous because my opponent is Ketty which she is a debater plus she is so confident when she speaks and of course I'll look very stupid compared to her.
I am so nervous because my opponent is Ketty which she is a debater plus she is so confident when she speaks and of course I'll look very stupid compared to her.
I wish I could run away but that's not gonna happen. When it comes to our turn just now, I just succeed fooling myself. Haha. Our class started from 4 pm and finished on 11 pm.
I only got 15 marks over 20 which I think the lowest mark in this class maybe?? It's ok. I'll make sure in Gombak, I can improve my persuasion skills and confident level. Hope so insyaAllah.
The court's language while submission is different with common languange, for example:
* much obliged Yang Arif - means thank you
*indeed Yang Arif - means yes
*i correct myself Yang Arif - means sorry
*i stand corrected - means sorry
*i afraid that i can't assist the court on that matter - means i don't know the answer
Judges are very particular with court's language and manners. You cannot use layman terms in court.

.The mooters.


.Meet Ketty my opponent.

.With Madam Farahizah.