I want to let you know random 20 things that I hate. And I think, most of you did hate also. I picked them randomly from Facebook Page that has been created by people who feel the hatred when these things happen. As you know, there's a lot of "I Hate" pages in Facebook. You just have to search. But, "I Hate Milimilo" page not yet been created. =)
So, just check them out. Buh-bye.

That's all. Hope you hate them too.
psst : March is coming. So, final exam mood has haunting everybody's life. The exam will starts from 24March till 8April. Life would be hectic. From now on, I will be "tenggelam timbul" in this cyber world. So, don't miss me. Bye-bye-bye-cycle. ^__^
psst : March is coming. So, final exam mood has haunting everybody's life. The exam will starts from 24March till 8April. Life would be hectic. From now on, I will be "tenggelam timbul" in this cyber world. So, don't miss me. Bye-bye-bye-cycle. ^__^
kreatif gile woo!! lukisan tu!
ReplyDeleteyang tertinggal towel tu x leh blah. hahaha
ReplyDeletemili ko lukis ke sumer ni.
ReplyDeletemak aih sangat lah berjiwa kretip lagi inovatip
comel gila macam kau.
cik milo , aku pun nak tanya gak , sumer nie ko lukis ke ?? gila rajin..
ReplyDeletehaha..suke2 entry nih..
ReplyDeleterajen sguh! cumey! hehe.
ReplyDeleteCamne bra strap bleh terjatuh tu?
ReplyDeleteSaiz x sesuai?
klik celcom :)
ReplyDeletecam sama je bnda2 yg cik milimilo tulis ni.
sy pon bnci2 bnda cmtu gak..:)
totally feeling the same bout the 'one word reply after my long SMS'
ReplyDeletewhy do people actually be that insensitive.
i can only wonder.. ahaaaiiii
ReplyDeleteyg tetinggal towel tu slalu je jd..grm kt diri sndiri gak kdg2 sbb tlupe.
heheh..aku conteng2 gune photoshop je..ala,kretip mnde,lukisan pn bengkok sane sini..hoho
aku lukis..gune photoshop..lame dh lukis ni..cume bru skrg smpat upload..lps ni xde rajin nk lukis2 dh,nk fokus kat exam =)
suke sbb bnde2 ni mmg patut kite hate kan..geram kalo jd..huhu
doodles yg cmni pn comey ke..macheh =)
bkn saiz bra la problem die,kalo ko pmpuan,ko tau la,tali bra yg 2 tu,kalo tlupe nk setting ikut bahu,die jd longgar kengkadang,pastu suke tjatuh kat bahu..tensi je kalo jd kat public.hohoh
kan kan,bnde2 ni mmg membencikan bile tjadi =)
yeah pocket..kdg2 rase cm rude gile reply K je bile kite pnt bebel bgtau itu ini..hurm2,tp mmg ramai manusie cmtu pocket..kite bsbr jela =)
ahaha, lawak2 je. :) yg pasal message, exam, dgn phone tu pun kte sgt la tak suke. tehee
ReplyDeletewow...ur cartoons got Shit! haha..
ReplyDeletei thought it was supposed to be an underage learning blog entry.
where;'s the moral value?
lol. kidding.
cik milooo
ReplyDeletekamo da jawab blom jawapanku yng pasal gune software ape untuk lukis2 ni?
haha.. sama2. mmg sama bnyk la. haha
ReplyDeletelebih kurang la kita. cuma i lelaki haha
ReplyDeleteeh betullah semua tu. sama je :D
ReplyDeletebab bra strap tak boleh blah.
ReplyDeletegila annoying kalau jadi haha
yg no 11 tu paling tak suka! haha. memang dari list ni kebanyakannya mmg tak suka. btw, comel gila lukisan nih!! mili mmg terer lukis!
ReplyDeleteterel tul ko wat ni..kreatip..haha..yg pasal lgu tu mmg btul, lagu best, tp xtau plak tjuk..
ReplyDeleteyg betulkan bra xboelh blah..hahaha..
ReplyDeletei hate when when someone sms me while im busy...
ReplyDeletei like ur photoshop sketch...hehe~~
wah rjin tui lukis ek hehe..byk tui bnda yg dibenci haha
ReplyDeleteI hate it when great thoughts are denigrated to cartoon shit.
ReplyDeletep/s: Funny nonetheless.
rajinnya ko melukis..
ReplyDeleteeh, sama la! I hate those things as well. comel gila lukisan2 ni :D
ReplyDeletesame mcm aku jek,, tp yg bra tu bukan la ea,,hehehe
ReplyDeletehuhu sm la..
ReplyDeletehate gile sume2 yg tu..
tetmbh msg "k" je tu
mili, it's not worth to hate.chill:)
ReplyDeleteso ape ko buat salunye kalo tetinggal towel?
ReplyDeletei hate to hate
banyak sangat tu
baik ko buat lak 50 bendak ko suka
comel betul kau
ReplyDeletewaaaaa... sgt2 kreatif!!! bgs2!!!
ReplyDeleteehem... mmg X suke bile ini berlaku:
credit to pic number
3 (teramat2 x suke)
5 (sy suke ini)
9 (selalu buat nie)
15 most
ok panjang nyew!!! tp kamu mmg kreatif la!! eheee
sebelum masuk kedai nak beli megi.
ReplyDeletedah masuk kedai lupa.
comel dow lukisan kau.
rajin gila
ReplyDelete1)cun gile lukisan ko.
2)kreatif gile otak ko.
3)rajin gile ko lukis.
4)nasib ko x gile.. hakhak.
aku suke gile entri nih.
eeee comel gila lukesan. i like i like :DD
ReplyDeletebace sambil minum milo pon sodappppp~
ReplyDeleteserius adore ngn cara mili melukis.
ReplyDeletenyna nie harap je bdk art tp melukis pun tak terer kowt.
setuju sgt bab yang jwb msg pendek2 tu.
benci btl kan.
ish -.-'
serius adore ngn cara mili melukis.
ReplyDeletenyna nie harap je bdk art tp melukis pun tak terer kowt.
setuju sgt bab yang jwb msg pendek2 tu.
benci btl kan.
ish -.-'
tengok.sampai 2 kali post komen yang sama,
ReplyDeletenampak sgt teruja tengok lukisan mili yang comel2 tu :)
ouch banyaknye komen tak reply. dah setahun 3 bulan. heeee. sorii korang. and thanksss for lovely comments ;")
ReplyDeleteyeah2 me tooo.sangat betul
ReplyDeletekannn banyak benda yg semorang pun tak suka jugak bila jadi.
Assalamu alaikum~!
ReplyDeleteI laughed so much, my sister thought I lost it. It's cute, tq for making me smile^_^
ahaaaa. funny because my doodles are ugly or what? kikiki. i'm glad these has made u smile. thankssss :D