Nice Guys Lyrics - Chester See, Ryan Higa, Kevin Jumba
Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really wanna do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to
I never open the door or pull out a chair
You can tell me how your day was but I don’t really care
And if you ever get cold, you’ll just have to hack it
Cause I’d be cold too if I gave you my jacket
Like whoa! You ain’t sitting up front
Front is for the homies you can sit in the trunk
I never answer my phone whenever you call it
And when the waiter brings the bill, I never reach to my wallet
Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to
And Imma beat you in every competition
Going out with the girls you better get my permission
Wait no! I take that back you can’t go
House starts tonight and that’s my favorite show
Do I look fat in this dress? Hell yeah! You do!
Wait let me speak your language
Cows go mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo
Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to
But behind the scenes, she means the world to me
I wanna tell her that she’s beautiful
And show her that she’s in love
Hold her hand when she’s scared
Tell her how much I care
But that won’t win her heart because
Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to
Yeah. About the videos, personally, I love Kevin's version more than Ryan's but people love Ryan's version more. Anyway, both are good actually because of the song.
I really love his voice. The part >>> "It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys" <<< NOOOO, there're no girls who want to be treated like trash. But I must agree, there're girls who really like the "bad guys type".
Because usually bad guys are lonely, they try harder to look tough but actually they are a loner at heart and they are the ones that need more affection. But seriously, if nice guys trying to act like bad guys, they will only end up as ultimate douches. So, please stop trying too hard. Just be yourself.
Because usually bad guys are lonely, they try harder to look tough but actually they are a loner at heart and they are the ones that need more affection. But seriously, if nice guys trying to act like bad guys, they will only end up as ultimate douches. So, please stop trying too hard. Just be yourself.

Well, I must agree that Kevin looks really hot as a bad guy. Because his looks as nice guy is too nerdy. Hihi. The part >>>"You can tell me how your day was but I don’t really care" <<< Actually, the fact is that, all guys don't care about what girls are talking about; but nice guys will always pretend to care, so that the girls will feel like, "awh, he really cares about me".
>>> "Like whoa! You ain’t sitting up front, Front is for the homies you can sit in the trunk" <<< This is so cruel. No one can sit in the trunk. Unless it's a joke then it is okay. But seriously, if you girls are dating this kind of bad guys, you are totally dating a jerk and you'll die so tragic some day.
Ryan looks so hilarious as a bad guy you know. Haha. I can't stand his looks. But, both nice guy looks and bad guy looks suits him well. The part >>> "Going out with the girls you better get my permission<<< This is the part where many girls usually stuck with a guy.
For example when your friends ask to join them hangout, you cannot join them because your boyfriend don't give permission. Why did you even need his permission, he's not your parents or even your husband. Don't let your boyfriend control your life like they have remote control in their hands and you'll obey everything. Even if you want to be a good girlfriend, there's limit you know.
>>> "Wait let me speak your language Cows go mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo" <<< This is so cruel. When your guy treat you like a cow, or any other animals, then you need to stand up for yourself. Leave this jerk and you'll be happier more than you ever know. =)
According to urban dictionary, "nice guys finish last" means a male who can't get a girlfriend, because he does not treat women like shit or if a guy is being mean to a women, that guy will get ahead rather than if they being nice all the time. So, the saying is that, bad guy is the type that women want, so stop being a nice guy.
That is why, in this song, nice guys acting like douchebags because they think that's the only type of guys girls would date. But because they are trying so hard not to be a nice guy, they ended up as a total jerk.

Actually, I really love Asians community on YouTube. All of them are really great. :D Check them out because all channels are awesome. TEEHEE XD

So to all nice guys out there, don't worry, you're not gonna finish last. Stop trying to be like a bad guy. Usually, nice guys finish last because they put their ladies first and bad guys finish first because they never gonna last long. Nice guy is what women need but not what they want; usually.

Treat people nicely if you want people to be nice to you too. Surely things will go easier. You don't know what or when something will happen. It just happens naturally. Life will always surprise you. That's how everything works.

masyaallah. chumill chumill. cair tgk. hehe. but for me malay guy is the best. hehe
ReplyDeletehaha. diroang bukan comel, diorang hot. proud to be asian. kikiki. yeah, malay guys better XD
"But behind the scenes, she means the world to me
ReplyDeleteI wanna tell her that she’s beautiful
And show her that she’s in love hold her hand when she’s scared
Tell her how much I care but that won’t win her heart because"
aku suka part yg ni! hehe
jawapan kevin mmg sesuai utk rebecca black LOLOLOL
memang best lagu ni. haha. eh, mili buat sndri keh gif tuh? cool!
ReplyDeletenoobly cool!
ReplyDelete*muka spesen student aku. teringat dorang Y_____Y
"all guys don't care about what girls are talking about; but nice guys always pretend to care"
ReplyDeletewell true...
ReplyDeletehahaha kannnn jawapan dia sesuai gila utk rebecca black. kejam gilaaa. aku suka gila suara chester. :D
yup gif buat sendiri gune photoscape je. biaselah tgh xde keje. mmg suke tengok gmbr gerak2 ni. haha :D
yg mana 1 muka cm student kau? ryan kelakar gila kot. heee
@anon 1131
u're a nice guy or bad guy? haha
first time visits here.. =D
ReplyDeletehee kita samelah. saya pun salu baca comment youtube sampai berjam-jam. kadang-kadang best gak apa dorang cakap.
ReplyDeletemalay guys memanglah always the best but the asians on youtube make me proud to be one :)
ni ntry ko yg terpanjang klu x silap hahahah
ReplyDeletenice sharing...
ReplyDeletesuke maen gif jugak..!!sonok kan kak mili!!
ReplyDeleteok, terkejut sebab gamba boleh gerak2 macam tu. hihi
ReplyDeleteAwww Ryan Higa!!! :DD All sweet heheh
ReplyDeleteme too love kev jumba!!!
ReplyDeletelma dah x tgk video tbaru dia.
thanx upload ye! XD
@mr lonely
ReplyDeleteare you sure?thanksss.
tau takpe. kadang2 baca komen dkt youtube cm best sbb benda yg kita tak terfikir pn diorang cakap. hihi. yeah right kan. proud to be asians ;)
mana adaa.ini salah satu entri terpanjang. aku mmg suka tulis panjang2. ko x pecaya ko try la tgok entri lelama. heee
@azwan ramli
nice sharing about nice guys. haha
haha. sonok gila. kak mili mmg suka buat gif image dkt photoscape ni. dah xde keje sgt kan :D
hahaha. yeah suka tgok gmbr gerak2. gmbr statik dah biasa sgt dah :D
ryan higa the best. subscribers paling ramai di youtube :)
@aqie cambest
haha. vid terbaru kevjumba pasal bday dia. kelakar gila kot. your welcome =)
He deserves more subs
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