Regarding my previous post, about the layman's perception towards lawyer, I think many of you didn't get what is the message that I want to deliver. But it's okay.
I agree to some of you who said usually lawyer always use some dirty tricks to win the case, so that will make the lawyer a bad person. But, still you don't have the right to judge a lawyer based on their client.
For example, you have been caught red-handed. You killed someone and you admit guilty. You have confess that you are guilty but none of the lawyer want to represent for you in court. Can you submit the evidence by yourself in court? Can you bring witnesses by yourself? NO, that's why you need lawyer. Not to defend you but to represent you in court.
Later, in court, judge will hear submission from both; prosecutor and your lawyer. Then, it's the job for the judge to decide. If the judge held that you are innocent while he knows that you are wrong, then it is the judge fault, not the lawyer. And if the judge decided that you are guilty, do you think the prosecutor will be so happy?
Okay. Whatever it is. I'm not gonna say anything. I think I don't want to become a lawyer. There're lots of branch relating to law, not only lawyers. Plus syariah lawyer would also be the same. I just brought up this issues for those who wants to become a lawyer, not for me. I hope so.
There are lots of option. Doesn't mean that if you study law, you must become a lawyer. What about lecturer, researcher, legal advisor, businessman, housewife, and so many other choices depends on the person preferences. After all, life is not all about taking the same path like others. There is "ROAD NOT TAKEN". Huhu. :)
There are lots of option. Doesn't mean that if you study law, you must become a lawyer. What about lecturer, researcher, legal advisor, businessman, housewife, and so many other choices depends on the person preferences. After all, life is not all about taking the same path like others. There is "ROAD NOT TAKEN". Huhu. :)

"Innocent until proven guilty"
weyh. semalam aku berdebat dgn taufiq psl bnda nihh! haha. kusut aku nak menjawab.
ReplyDeletetetap nak ckp peguam gak jht if backup org jht. mcm2 cara dah aku suh dia pkir.. mcm jwb persoalan org bukan islam psl islam. mcm entry post iz tuhh.
perghh. surender ah aku nak jd lawyer cmni! haha
ReplyDeletetula pasal ding. pnt duh aku pk cmne nk yakinkan org. but, xleh la. setiap org care pikir laen2. plus aku pn xsnggup nak jd lawyer, apetah lg nak jd judge..heeee.
babe!! gle adore kau punye drawing!! cantekkkkkk T____T
ReplyDeleteso ko nak jadi ape bile dh grad nnt? nak gak tau cabang2 lain bila amek kos law ni....
ReplyDeleteboleh jer kalau nak defend diri sendiri kat court. tak ada undang2 mengatakan kena ada lawyer baru boleh denfend. cuma kena ada kepandaian dan pengetahuan dalam undang2... tp bukan semua ada kan?
ReplyDeletewah... cool ah!
hah. apa nk bwat...
ReplyDeletelukisan tu buat wa berkelip mata
ReplyDeletehaha. guna paint je weh. aku rase yg cntek tu dkt kaler,bkn dkt lukisan kan.sumpah buruk ah aku lukis.
ReplyDeleteselaen lawyer n prosecutor, boleh jd legal advisor, jd ADR, jd ambassador, n so on depends on org tu la nak fokus kat bahagian apa.
mcm aku,aku xnak jd lawyer sbb aku nk bukak bisnes.
@ah fatt
ReplyDeleteutk kes saman kcik2,boleh xde lawyer kot tp utk kes jenayah, mmg kne ade lawyer yg present utk die. setahu aku lah. aku pn bru 1sem je bljr law,xarif lg dlm dunia ni plus aimed aku bkn utk jd lawyer.
ReplyDeleteapa yg cool hencek meo milo meoww? =)
@farihah ahmad
ReplyDeletenak buat ape, tgok jelah. hehe
ReplyDeleteberkelip mata ke tak berkelip mata? still xleh lwn keteror-an ko gune paint la
ReplyDeleteloyar buruk tu ai pun gheti..hoho
anis setuju part lawyer bkn tuk mili tuh .
ReplyDeleteanis rasa bnd yang sama gak .
belajar law tak semesti nya jd lawyer kan ..
thanks milimilo artikel & ilustrilasi yg menarik ttg law n medik. baru clear sikit. eh, asal ayat surius sngt ni. heh.
ReplyDeleteBtw, saya pun sama. saya amik medik tapi taknak jadi doctor. bolewh?
-silent rider-
jadi engineer lagi best
ReplyDeletecppc : ku nak bercuti sampai 3 hb ni. thx ya, slamat tahun baru in advandce =)
.pndai gile mili lukis! ;)
ReplyDeleteye betul..sgt setuju..byk lagi cabang lain,ikot minat dan peluang kite nanti lah kan?goodluck anis
wow,silent reader akhirnye dah xsilent..kikiki..thanx a lot muneer.actually ramai je xsetuju dgn ilustration yg dilukis tu tp xkesahlah kan.
nak jadi ape kalo xnak jd doctor?
haha.jd ape pn best kalo dah minat.betul x.
haha.xde pandainye sis.conteng-contengan je tu =)