1. Lightweight and compact, the stylish instax mini 7 goes anywhere.
2. Operation is easy — simply check the LED exposure indicator and press the shutter, a beautiful credit card-size instant color photo is ready in minutes — sharp and clear!
Free Delivery For Those Who Purchase Above RM450
RM10 Rebate With Every Purchase of RM350 and above
Camera (Manual Book, Strap, 4 AA Battery & Warranty Card from Fujifilm Malaysia) + 1 box of Fuji Instax Mini Film
Price; White Pink / White Blue ; RM278
Price; All White / All Chocolate ; RM318
If you are interested, do contact Saffa at saffawati@gmail.com and visit her website for details here:
Hurry up before it's too late. The picture size is as standard as business card size. This camera is from Japan. First come first serve basis. =)
nak buat iklan sini jugak la
ReplyDeletehaha..macam boleh laku je kalo iklan kat sini..belom cuba belom tau..tp herbalife xpyh promot dh sbb dh cukup dikenali =P
wah! dah lame aku cri camera mcm nie yg leh trs kua gambo,, mm, tp duit xder, =(
ReplyDeletexberapa minat... =)
ReplyDeleteharga pun ok..
tapi last year baru mempokaikan diri beli digicam dah..
so, macam mustahil je nak dapat polarcam ni..wuwu
comel giler.
ReplyDeletebaru tgk dlam cite korea u're beautiful.
serius comel!
tp komfem2 ayah xbg beli sebab bru beli dslr taun lepas.
ada stock lagi ke?
ReplyDeleteyg warna orange tu ada?
hi ada lagi tak camera ni?
ReplyDeletedear pink ade stock tak..i'm interested..email me k...at emi.nashellah@gmail.com
ReplyDelete@yana hisham
maaf korg.semua kamera ni masih dijual tp bukan disini.di saffawati.com. sila emel saffa di saffawati@gmail.com