Regarding my previous post, about the layman's perception towards lawyer, I think many of you didn't get what is the message that I want to deliver. But it's okay.
I agree to some of you who said usually lawyer always use some dirty tricks to win the case, so that will make the lawyer a bad person. But, still you don't have the right to judge a lawyer based on their client.
For example, you have been caught red-handed. You killed someone and you admit guilty. You have confess that you are guilty but none of the lawyer want to represent for you in court. Can you submit the evidence by yourself in court? Can you bring witnesses by yourself? NO, that's why you need lawyer. Not to defend you but to represent you in court.
Later, in court, judge will hear submission from both; prosecutor and your lawyer. Then, it's the job for the judge to decide. If the judge held that you are innocent while he knows that you are wrong, then it is the judge fault, not the lawyer. And if the judge decided that you are guilty, do you think the prosecutor will be so happy?
Okay. Whatever it is. I'm not gonna say anything. I think I don't want to become a lawyer. There're lots of branch relating to law, not only lawyers. Plus syariah lawyer would also be the same. I just brought up this issues for those who wants to become a lawyer, not for me. I hope so.
There are lots of option. Doesn't mean that if you study law, you must become a lawyer. What about lecturer, researcher, legal advisor, businessman, housewife, and so many other choices depends on the person preferences. After all, life is not all about taking the same path like others. There is "ROAD NOT TAKEN". Huhu. :)
There are lots of option. Doesn't mean that if you study law, you must become a lawyer. What about lecturer, researcher, legal advisor, businessman, housewife, and so many other choices depends on the person preferences. After all, life is not all about taking the same path like others. There is "ROAD NOT TAKEN". Huhu. :)

"Innocent until proven guilty"