Thursday, June 23, 2011

#sayamalukalau VS #thatawkwardmoment

Kalau dekat Twitter kan, benda yang paling best untuk di-tweet adalah #hashtags trending topic. Tak pun, kalau hashtag tu belum trending, semorang tweet bebanyak sampai naik jadi trending. Tapi selalunya susah nak trendingkan sesuatu #hashtag tu sebabnya kadang-kadang yang trending semuanya ntah apa-apa.

Tapi semalam kan aku dok tergelak-gelak lah sengsorang depan laptop bila nampak dekat timeline ramai yang dok tweet pasal #sayamalukalau. Memacam benda yang memalukan wey diorang tweet. Kelakar pun ada, yang irrelevant pun ada, yang menusuk jantung pun ada. Kikiki.

Lepastu kan aku rasa, kebanyakan tweet #sayamalukalau ni lebih kurang sama dengan tweet yang guna #hashtag #thatawkwardmoment. Cuma bezanya #sayamalukalau sah-sah semua orang Melayu je yang tweet, kalau #thatawkwardmoment tu international lah sikit. Semorang pun boleh baca dan faham. Hihi.

Sebenarnya bukan 2 ni je hashtags yang lebih kurang hal nya. Banyak lagi sebenarnya. Inilah yang dipanggil relatable occurrences bak kata Hanis Zalikha. Kebanyakan benda yang jadi kat kita, yang mana orang lain pun boleh relate jugak. Kalau baca komen dekat entri Hanis tu lagilah kelakar gila, tambah-tambah part yang

#1 kalau terkentut/tersengguk pura-pura batuk konon nak cover.
#2 bila jumpa orang lain bangsa, terutamanya orang Indo, automatik kita nak ubah style cakap macam diorang.
#3 kalau nampak kawan ada sisa tahi idong/cili celah gigi pastu tak sanggup nak tegur sampai dia terperasan sendiri.
#4 bila sorang start batuk, kejap lagi tiba-tiba ramai yang ikut batuk jugak. Menguap pun sama.

Dan memacam lagi benda lah yang boleh relate. Manusia walaupun perangai lain-lain, tapi ada sesetengah benda yang kita memang tak boleh nak elak untuk sama kan. Hihi. Serius Twitter memang best daripada Facebook. Sekian. XD

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

#WW6 Wordless Wednesday - Panda

Lukis sendiri. ^_^
Bukan hasil curi dari website mahupun

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Perihal Matluthfi: Selamat Hari Bapa

Harini 19 Jun iaitu hari Ahad minggu ketiga adalah official Father's Day, makanya Happy Father's Day dan Selamat Hari Bapa untuk semua bapa kandung, semua bapa mertua, semua bapa saudara, semua bakal bapa, semua pengganti bapa (macam kawan si Matluthfi ni; Iqbar Aris) dan lain-lain bapa.

Video Matluthfi kali ni simple gila. Tajuk "Perihal Bapa". Cerita kelakar pasal ayah beliau. Mula-mula aku macam eh, apesal kawan Matluthfi ni gelak plastik gila. Ada part yang Matluthfi belum habis cerita lagi dia dah bantai gelak. Agak kelakar dan pelik ye di situ. Tapi sekali ending dia, "Aku tau lah. Dah 12 tahun aku jadi ayah pada adik-adik aku". Phew, menusuk jantung. Sampai Matluthfi pun terdiam kot. Gila bermakna.

Quote from Matluthfi; June 2011

"Dia tak pernah nak husnuzzon dengan aku. Sikit pun tak pernah. Aku buat apa-apa pun mesti dia suspek macam aku buat jenayah."

"Hang jangan kawan sangat dengan pompuan, nanti dia buat apa-apa dekat hang. Hang taktau pompuan ni dia boleh buat-buat rapat dengan hang. Dia mesej hang macam yang hang tengah buat sekarang ni. Pastu dia jumpak hang, pastu dia buat benda tak senonoh dengan lelaki lain, pastu dia suruh hang bertanggungjawab."

"Hang taktau. Abah makan garam banyak daripada hang. Kalau tak, abah tak kena darah tinggi la."

"Dads are often overprotective and somewhat annoying. But do you think you can be who you are now without him"

Sebenarnya, seorang ayah tu memang adalah seorang super hero. Dia protective lebih sikit dengan kita sebab nanti kalau jadi apa-apa dia jugak yang susah dan kena tanggung kan. Bukan senang jadi ayah ni. Tambah-tambah kalau ramai anak perempuan. Siap dosa pun dia jugak yang nak kena tanggung kalau ada yang tak kena kan.

Buat sesiapa yang ayah dah meninggal dunia tu, doakan banyak-banyak, pergi ziarah kubur, sedekahkan bacaan Yassin selalu. Ini dah lepas Asar ni elok jugak ziarah. Tak pun pergi ziarah pagi-pagi ke. Jangan nak tunggu raya baru nak ziarah. Kan? Selamat Hari Bapa Sedunia. =)


K-1Malaysia-Pop - Cweet Cangat Lulufifi

#1 Sorry Sorry - Sorry, Sorry (Super Junior)
#2 Ling Ling Aku Geli - RingDingDong (SHINee)
#3 Hantu Lampu - I'll be Back (2PM)
#4 I Want Nobody But Hang - Nobody (Wonder Girls)
#5 Lagu Bonus - Instrumental Doraemon (Ini Jepun bukan Korea. Haha)
#6 Lagu background video - Purple Line - (TVXQ)

Terima kasih kepada pengkomen-pengkomen dekat video Matluthfi tu sebab walaupun ramai gila yang bergaduh dekat situ, tapi ada jugak komen yang berguna yang membuatkan aku terus dapat list nama-nama lagu yang Matluthfi guna dalam video dia.

Sebabnya aku ni memang tak tau menau langsung pasal K-POP sebelum ni. Lagu Sorry Sorry tu memang aku pernah dengar kat radio tapi tak pernah ambik tahu pun siapa yang nyanyi. Pernah nampak nama Super Junior, Girl's Generation, SHINee pun dari twitter bila peminat k-pop dok sebut-sebut. First time dengar lagu Ring Ding Dong dari video Mat ni. Padahal lagu ni dah lama gila. So lame. =,= Lirik dia kelakar kot. Ling ling aku geli. Wakaka.
"Baby naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae

We gonna cola cola cola cola cola cola so fantastic
Cola cola cola cola cola cola so elastic
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic

Ring ding dong Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi ding ding ding"
See see. Catchy kan lirik dia. Muzik dia pun best. SHINee ni pun hensem-hensem orangnya. Patutlah ramai gila orang minat K-Pop. Aku sorang jelah yang tak tahu. Walaupun sepatah haram aku tak paham apa benda diorang sebut kecuali words English.

Mula-mula tengok video ni ingatkan Matluthfi nak bagitahu yang dia ni peminat K-Pop ke apa, tiba-tiba sekali mesej last dia, "plastik = sampah yang paling banyak atas bumi ni". Sarkastik gila ayat dia. Haha. Memang ramai lah yang tak paham kan kalau dah guna bahasa sarkastik ni. Aku rasa video ni Matluthfi tujukan kepada kumpulan Max 24/7 tu kot, yelah K-pop wannabe from Malaysia. Kiki.

Video ni memang ya ampun. Tak tahu nak describe cemana. Dengan kualiti sound yang homai, lepastu tarian dia, awh. Lagu Max 24/7 ni lirik dia macam orang yang tengah gila bercinta la. Adakah ini cinta versi mat rempit? Dalam masa seminggu je jatuh cinta terindu-rindu. Adoyaiiii. Kalau 247 cuma untuk kekasih, mana masa untuk Tuhan? Bercinta sampai lupa Tuhan? *tepuk dahi*

Lirik Cinta 247 - MAX 24:7

Aku cintamu

Apa yang ku tahu apa yang kau tahu
Waktu kecil dulu sama-sama tak tahu
Apa yang perlu kau tahu aku sudah rasa rindu
Bila kau tiada di sisi ku

Buka tirai lama aku rasa tak perlu
Kini sudah dewasa kurang rasa malu
Apa yang perlu kau tahu aku sudah rasa rindu
Bila kau tiada di sisi ku

Terus terang ku katakan aku sudah jatuh cinta
Ini semua takdir Tuhan kerna dia sayang kita
Terus terang ku katakan aku sudah jatuh cinta
Ini semua takdir Tuhan kerna dia sayang kita

[rap] (blablabla)

Hari Isnin ku tahu namamu
Hari Selasa ku kenal dirimu
Hari Rabu ku dekatimu
Hari Khamis ku merindu kamu
Hari Jumaat ku mendoakan kamu
Hari Sabtu ku mencintai mu
Hari Ahad ku keluar dengan mu
247 hanya untuk kamu

Apapun, semua paham kot maksud mesej Matluthfi tu. Jangan jadi plastik. Just be yourself. Jangan pakai mekap tebal-tebal, sebab nanti nampak gila plastiknya. Jangan dress up macam Lady Gaga sebab nanti kau nampak macam plastik yang bergerak. Jangan copycat gaya orang sebab terserlah keplastikan pentiru kau nanti. Yang penting, jangan gelak plastik sebab orang tahu ianya lakonan semata dan kau sedang sembunyikan sesuatu di sebalik gelak plastik ittew. Hihi. Kbai.


Dan bila Mat Luthfi dah famous ni, ada pulak yang cuba nak samakan Matluthfi dengan Nigahiga siap cakap Matluthfi tiru Nigahiga. Dulu orang suka compare Matluthfi dengan AnwarHadi tapi sekarang dah up sikit, dengan Ryan pulak. Hihi. Manusia memang tak sah kalau tak suka banding-bandingkan orang. Oh kemon lah. Everyone has their own character, identity, style etc.

Persamaan Matluthfi dan Nigahiga

#Buat vlog simple tapi kelakar dan ada mesej.
#Famous di Youtube.
#Lahir tahun 1990.
#Single. (Bujang)

Perbezaan pun mestilah banyak. Salah satunya, trademark Nigahiga setiap hujung video adalah TEEHEE XD, manakala trademark Matluthfi setiap hujung video adalah beberapa baris ayat yang begitu deep makna dia sampai orang boleh quote dekat mana-mana.

Kalau boleh, tak payah lah nak compare-compare ni, kan senang? Let them be themselves. Kalau sama tu maksudnya adalah tu terinspirasi dari mana-mana, bukan meniru. Paham dak?


Tanya kat sini.

Nampaknya media dah sedar kehadiran Mat Luthfi sampaikan diorang gigih mencari untuk dimasukkan ke dalam TV. Tapi serius video Matluthfi memang terbaik. Aku rasa agensi mana-mana patut bagi dia satu slot untuk buat iklan tv. Iklan Merdeka ke, iklan Raya ke, sure gempak punya. Percayalah.

Harapnya nanti bila Mat Luthfi dah balik Malaysia, dia boleh jadi penyumbang besar untuk ubah gaya media kita bercerita. Hang nak jadi Menteri pun baguih jugak Mat oiii. Ada gaya dah tu. We will be waiting for you. And vote for you too for elections. As long as your manifesto is not just a mere promise. Walk the talk bro. Hiii.  ^_^

Aku tengok dekat video "new album" tu ramai gila yang komen cakap Matluthfi ni "daebak". Disebabkan aku bukan fanatik Korea, jadi aku tak tahu sangat lah bahasa Korea ni. Anyway, google kan ada. So, yeah, Matluthfi memang DAEBAK! ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Related entries:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nice Guys Finish Last

Nice Guys Lyrics - Chester See, Ryan Higa, Kevin Jumba

Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really wanna do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to

I never open the door or pull out a chair
You can tell me how your day was but I don’t really care
And if you ever get cold, you’ll just have to hack it
Cause I’d be cold too if I gave you my jacket

Like whoa! You ain’t sitting up front
Front is for the homies you can sit in the trunk
I never answer my phone whenever you call it
And when the waiter brings the bill, I never reach to my wallet

Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to

And Imma beat you in every competition
Going out with the girls you better get my permission
Wait no! I take that back you can’t go
House starts tonight and that’s my favorite show

Do I look fat in this dress? Hell yeah! You do!
Wait let me speak your language
Cows go mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo

Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to

But behind the scenes, she means the world to me
I wanna tell her that she’s beautiful
And show her that she’s in love
Hold her hand when she’s scared
Tell her how much I care
But that won’t win her heart because

Nice guys finish last that’s why I’ll treat you like trashes
It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys
So I’ll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to

Yeah. About the videos, personally, I love Kevin's version more than Ryan's but people love Ryan's version more. Anyway, both are good actually because of the song.

I really love his voice. The part >>> "It’s not what I really want to do but you only date bad guys" <<< NOOOO, there're no girls who want to be treated like trash. But I must agree, there're girls who really like the "bad guys type".

Because usually bad guys are lonely, they try harder to look tough but actually they are a loner at heart and they are the ones that need more affection. But seriously, if nice guys trying to act like bad guys, they will only end up as ultimate douches. So, please stop trying too hard. Just be yourself.

Well, I must agree that Kevin looks really hot as a bad guy. Because his looks as nice guy is too nerdy. Hihi. The part >>>"You can tell me how your day was but I don’t really care" <<< Actually, the fact is that, all guys don't care about what girls are talking about; but nice guys will always pretend to care, so that the girls will feel like, "awh, he really cares about me".

>>> "Like whoa! You ain’t sitting up front, Front is for the homies you can sit in the trunk" <<< This is so cruel. No one can sit in the trunk. Unless it's a joke then it is okay. But seriously, if you girls are dating this kind of bad guys, you are totally dating a jerk and you'll die so tragic some day.

Ryan looks so hilarious as a bad guy you know. Haha. I can't stand his looks. But, both nice guy looks and bad guy looks suits him well. The part >>> "Going out with the girls you better get my permission<<< This is the part where many girls usually stuck with a guy. 

For example when your friends ask to join them hangout, you cannot join them because your boyfriend don't give permission. Why did you even need his permission, he's not your parents or even your husband. Don't let your boyfriend control your life like they have remote control in their hands and you'll obey everything. Even if you want to be a good girlfriend, there's limit you know.

>>> "Wait let me speak your language Cows go mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo, mooo" <<< This is so cruel. When your guy treat you like a cow, or any other animals, then you need to stand up for yourself. Leave this jerk and you'll be happier more than you ever know. =)

According to urban dictionary, "nice guys finish last" means a male who can't get a girlfriend, because he does not treat women like shit or if a guy is being mean to a women, that guy will get ahead rather than if they being nice all the time. So, the saying is that, bad guy is the type that women want, so stop being a nice guy.

That is why, in this song, nice guys acting like douchebags because they think that's the only type of guys girls would date. But because they are trying so hard not to be a nice guy, they ended up as a total jerk. 

Actually, I really love Asians community on YouTube. All of them are really great. :D Check them out because all channels are awesome. TEEHEE XD

So to all nice guys out there, don't worry, you're not gonna finish last. Stop trying to be like a bad guy. Usually, nice guys finish last because they put their ladies first and bad guys finish first because they never gonna last long. Nice guy is what women need but not what they want; usually.

Treat people nicely if you want people to be nice to you too. Surely things will go easier. You don't know what or when something will happen. It just happens naturally. Life will always surprise you. That's how everything works.

Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday to both Ryan Higa and Kevin Wu because on this June, both of them are actually turning 21 years old. Yuhuuu. Ryan birthday on 6th June 1990 while Kevin on 12th June 1990. What a lovely weird twins. Haha. Daaaa peeps. ♥ ♥ 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Random 20 Things I Hate

I want to let you know random 20 things that I hate. And I think, most of you did hate also. I picked them randomly from Facebook Page that has been created by people who feel the hatred when these things happen. As you know, there's a lot of "I Hate" pages in Facebook. You just have to search. But, "I Hate Milimilo" page not yet been created. =)

So, just check them out. Buh-bye.

That's all. Hope you hate them too.

psst : March is coming. So, final exam mood has haunting everybody's life. The exam will starts from 24March till 8April. Life would be hectic. From now on, I will be "tenggelam timbul" in this cyber world. So, don't miss me. Bye-bye-bye-cycle. ^__^